
When reading a play the reader has to imagine the
When reading a play the reader has to imagine the

when reading a play the reader has to imagine the

Discuss how students' experiences helped them relate to the story and create their brain movies.Then ask for volunteers to share their favorite imagery or scene. When you are done reading, pause to let students finish translating the text into brain movies.Read with inflection and emphasis on striking language.Suggest that some students may find it easier to visualize if they watch you as you read, close their eyes, or gaze out the window. Recommend that as you read the selected passage, students create their own brain movies based on the text by imagining the characters, setting, and action.Emphasize that as we read or are read to, our imagination creates its own brain movie. Ask students to share examples of movies based on books they've read, and lead a discussion about the difference between reading the book and watching the movie.Introduce words or concepts that may be new to students before reading, and share photographs, websites, and other images to help set the stage.Select a book, poem, or reading passage with vivid, sensory-rich language to read aloud.Spongy bone Weegy: Growth plate: structure within a bone which contains. User: Which structure within a bone contains cartilage cells that divide and increase the size of the bone until adulthood?ĭ.


Hair follicles Weegy: The hypodermis is the innermost skin component, or farthest from the surface of the skin. User: Which of the following components of the skin is innermost, or farthest from the surface of the skin?ĭ.

when reading a play the reader has to imagine the

Pancreas Weegy: The Thymus gland is responsible for the release of a hormone that stimulates T-cell development and proper immune response in children. User: Which endocrine gland is responsible for the release of a hormone that stimulates T-cell development and proper immune response in children?ĭ. Weegy: The purpose of the mucus found within the respiratory system is to trap particles from the air before they reach the lungs. trap particles from the air before they reach the lungs.ĭ. User: he purpose of the mucus found within the respiratory system is toĬ. Neurotransmitters Weegy: Neurotransmitters is responsible for transmitting an impulse across a synapse to another cell. User: Which of the following is responsible for transmitting an impulse across a synapse to another cell?ĭ. Weegy: Unlike identical twins, fraternal twins result from two eggs fertilized by different sperm. result from two eggs fertilized by different sperm. are produced from two identical embryos.ĭ. User: Unlike identical twins, fraternal twinsĪ. Weegy: A zygote is typically found in the Fallopian tube. things are going to end very badly for someone.

when reading a play the reader has to imagine the

the cosmos, state, family, and individual follow the same pattern.Ĭ. Weegy: Dramas are meant to be read, but also heard and seen.Ī. User: Dramas are meant to be read, but also heard and Weegy: In a drama, an "extra" is a character that is unimportant.Įxpert answered|Score 1| Wallet.ro|Points 143573| User: In a drama, an "extra" is a character that is Weegy: When humanism spread and affected literature, authors and dramatists began writing about human psychology.Įxpert answered|Score 1| Malekith22|Points 1631| User: When humanism spread and affected literature, authors and dramatists began writing about Weegy: A drama is defined as a literary form designed for presentation by actors. User: A drama is defined as a literary form designed for presentation by Weegy: In his comedies, Shakespeare is well known for the device of mistaken identity.Įxpert answered|Score 1| Ishm|Points 14167| User: In his comedies, Shakespeare is well known forī. Weegy: One difference between tragedy and comedy is that tragedy usually features an extraordinary hero. uses metaphor and analogy to make its point.Ĭ. makes us laugh at ourselves, not others.ī. User: One difference between tragedy and comedy is that tragedyĪ. Weegy: The character of a clown or fool in Shakespeare's plays is often: wiser than expected.Įxpert answered|Score 1| yumdrea|Points 44538| User: The character of a clown or fool in Shakespeare's plays is often Weegy: When reading a play, the reader has to imagine the: details of setting and characters' appearance.Įxpert answered|Score 1| alfred123|Points 128014| details of setting and characters' appearance final outcome in the last section of the play.ĭ. style of language the playwright has chosen.Ĭ. lines of conversation between characters.ī. User: When reading a play, the reader has to imagine theĪ.

When reading a play the reader has to imagine the